Junior High/High School

Daily Announcements

Monday, May 15, 2023

Happy Birthday!

Adam J. 5/10, Jaclyn B. 5/15, Emma W. 5/20

Summer Birthdays!

Eden K. 6/5, Mrs. Richardson 6/9, Gianna G. 6/30, Mrs. Smith 7/3, Mr. Jeffrey 7/7, Ella K. 7/11, Gilbert R. 7/11, Elise T. 7/13, Daniel T. 7/13, Angelina D. 7/13, Jaden S. 7/17


Student Duties:

Tutoring  Mondays: Rm 2 | Wednesdays: Rm 1  | Fridays: Rm 11

Monday: Jackie C. and Emma W. | Wednesday: Debi C. and Macy S. | Friday: Ryan D. and Sophia M.

Lunch Cleanup: Clean up after yourselves!

 Sales Week – 8th Grade






Something Yummy

Something Yummy


Something Yummy

Something Yummy


Something Yummy

Something Yummy


Something Yummy

Something Yummy


Something Yummy

Something Yummy

Student News


Stickers for sale – The sticker that won the sticker contest (Kristanna F.’s design) is for sale in the office for $5! Help support the art program and show off some cool artwork! Kaylee R.’s pin design is available for pre-order, too!

Attention students – Yearbook is making a page about snow days the students went on this year. Come into the office to pick up a questionnaire!

Violet C., Cooper M., Ben M., Jamison T., Jaclyn B., Jaeden C.B, Giuliana P., and Eden K: your scheduling forms are OVERDUE! Please bring your scheduling forms in ASAP, along with your $15 overdue fee, so we can make sure they’re filled out correctly. Fees will go up if they continue to be late!

ATTENTION STUDENTS AND STAFF, what’s poppin!  There will be posters of what to throw in the recycling/trash cans so we can have a better/cleaner environment.  Those of you who aren’t listening, LISTEN UP! Genesis 2:15 says, “Then God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” So let’s try to live out this Bible verse in our daily lives at school by recycling.  Thank you.

Attention students AND staff – The freshman class is starting a compost bin! We need your help! Please put your food scraps in the new compost bin (located in the lobby). Plant-based scraps only! No animal products please.

Graduation has been put on hold until Mrs. Gulliford’s name plate “Executive Principal”  is returned to her office.


IOU Information


Jesse S. $2, Daniel G. $2, Angelina d. $2

IOUs Due Today

Polina L. $1, Jack G. $2, Campbell M. $1.50, Grace A. $1

IOUs Due Tuesday

Max Ci. $2, Jackie C. $2


Teacher Duties

Lunchtime: 11:45-12:00: Mr. Williams

Lunchtime: 12:00-12:15: Mrs. Richardson

Afterschool: 3-3:15: Mrs. Baginski

Detention (Wednesday): Mrs. Cantrell

Treat and Cleanup: Mrs. Ulmer